
Introduction to Computer

September 13, 2021 | by vadhelviraj5


Introduction to Computer

Introduction to Computer

The word computer is derived from the word compute which means to calculate.  Therefore, in colloquial language, it is considered a calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logical operations rapidly, but today its definition has changed because now the use of computer is not limited to calculations, today it is used for music, graphics.  , Internet etc. is also happening in many other fields.


Introduction to Computer

 So now it can be said that it is an electronic device that accepts data, and after a detailed step-by-step processing, converts it into information and presents the output result. It accepts, stores and processes the data.  Manipulates them too.

History of Computers

The first devices used for calculations were mechanical devices, the abacus is called the first computer.  In the debate, Pascal, Lawrence, Jacob, Atosoffberry etc. made many devices, but none of the devices had memory, so in the seventeenth century, Charles Waves invented the analytical and difference machine in which memory was inserted.  

The modern era started with the invention of the said Pisces. Memory is the biggest feature in all today’s computers. For this reason, Charles Waves is called the father of computer. ENIAC is the first electronic computer.  The era has begun.Electronic computers are divided into four generations which are shown below.

Introduction to Computer

First Generation First Generation ( 1945-1954 ) Use of Vacuum Tube Technology Second Generation Second Generation ( 1955-1964 ) Use of Transistor Technology Third Generation Third Generation ( 1965-1974 ) Integrated Circuits (IC0 ) Technology Use Fourth Generation Fourth Generation  ( 1975- till date ) Processor technology use

Introduction to Computer

Characteristics of computer systems Computer speed, accuracy, consistency, high capacity to store data and a flexibility are quite useful due to the characteristics.  There is a fast speed with the computer, calculations and work can be done efficiently.  The computer does the calculations without any mistake.Introduction to Computer


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