
Introduction to Microsoft Word

September 13, 2021 | by vadhelviraj5


Introduction to Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a very popular word processor developed by the Microsoft organization.  Microsoft Word was first introduced by Microsoft in 1983 as a multi-tool word for the Xenix system.  Over time, several versions of Word were released that became available not only for the Windows operating system, but also for other operating systems such as the Mac. Introduction to Microsoft Word

Currently available Microsoft Word is part of the Microsoft Office 2010 software package. 

Introduction to Microsoft Word

In addition to Word, the Microsoft Office package also includes other software such as Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook which we will study in later chapters.  Microsoft Office is proprietary software, so it is important to get a license before using it.Introduction to Microsoft Word

The horizontal bar at the top of the Microsoft Word 2010 window is called the titlebar.  In the center of the title bar, the app is named Microsoft Word and the currently opened document.  Documents that have not been archived are displayed with the names Document1, Document2 …  In addition, there are some common buttons on the title bar to create a document.  The toolbar to the left of the titlebar is called the Quick Access Toolbar.  The names and uses of each button in this toolbar are as follows.

  Control Menu:

Restore to display a window in some part of the screen in the control menu on the left corner of the title bar, Move Word’s window to another location on the screen  Options like Maximize to display the window with full screen size and Close to close the Word window are provided. 

Save Button:

As learned in the previous chapter, when details are added to a commuter, they are temporarily stored in primary memory.  To permanently store the details it is necessary to store them on a permanent storage such as a hard disk.  This action is called ‘To save’.  Clicking on this button saves the information added to the document as a file.  You can also use the Ctrl + S shortcut key from this keyboard.  If the user is saving a document for the first time, a Save As dialog box is presented to him, in which the details can be saved as a file by typing the name of the document.  We will learn more about the other options in this dialog box.

 Undo button:

We know that the word processor software facilitates the correction of information added to a document.  The Undo button is used to undo the final action taken on the details added to the document.  Using the un-do button more than once deletes all actions one by one in the order in which the details were added or modified.  You can also use the Ctrl + Z shortcut key from this keyboard.

Introduction to Microsoft Word

Repeat button:

This button is used to repeat the last action performed.  For example, if the user needs to add or adjust a uniform text, the Repeat button can be used repeatedly to get the effect of the option once it has been used.  The Ctrl + Y shortcut key can be used from the option keyboard of this button.  

Introduction to Microsoft Word

Customize Quick Access Toolbar Menu:

This menu is used to remove a button in the Quick Access Toolbar or add another button.  A check mark can be seen next to the predefined toolbutton.  Which can be made invisible by clicking on that option in the toolbar.

Introduction to Microsoft Word

Minimize Button:

When this button is clicked, the current window of Microsoft Word is dwarfed and stored as a taskbutton in the taskbar of Microsoft Windows.  The window can be restored to its original size by clicking the task button on the taskbar.  This button is useful when you need to use any other software program or details while working with Word document.  This allows the document to be temporarily removed from the screen, saving time closing and reopening the document.

Restore  Maximize Button:

usually presented in a way that maximizes the full size of a Microsoft Word window screen.  But sometimes opening another software program with Word also needs to work.  Clicking on the Restore button at such a time makes the Word window appear limited to a specific part of the screen instead of the entire screen, so that other parts of the screen can be used to display other software.  This time the restore button is replaced and presented as a maximize button.  Clicking on the same button again brings the window back to full screen.


This 2010 version includes a ribbon, replacing the menus and toolbars in previous versions of Microsoft Word.  The ribbon has a number of sections (tabs) as a set of different tasks.  According to the functions, the ribbon has the following eight tabs: File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review and View.  Let’s get a brief overview of the various features made available by each tab of the ribbon.  We will discuss in detail above the most important of all the options

Introduction to Microsoft Word


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