What is major difference between an ocean and sea
A little over 70 % or nearly three hav quarters of the surface of the earth is I is sea or ocean . This water is salt water flou with, on average, 35 parts of salt in age 1000 parts of water, though the amount of salt in solution varies. In be equatorial regions , where there is heavy convectional rainfall , the water Sea is less salt . Where the dry Trade wit Winds blow they cause evaporation, an and the sea is saltier. In the wet rat Westerly wind belts the salinity again ov becomes less ; and in the polar regions, ne where there is little evaporation be cause it is so cold, less still.
Explain What is difference between an ocean and sea
Where rivers flow into a sea they la reduce its salinity ; for , although river wi water will contain a little salt in solu- re tion , it has much less than the sea . m ( As I mention the name of a sea or river , find it in your atlas . ) For this the reason the sea water in the Gulf of af Guinea and southwards , with the IL Niger and Congo rivers flowing into it , C has a salinity of only about 30 % — se % = per cent , % = per thousand . The Baltic Sea , with many rivers flowing S into it , with heavy rain and snow , P and little evaporation because of the S cold , has a salinity of only 12 % or c less . The Black Sea and the Sea of a Azov ( find the four great rivers begin- L ning with D that flow into them ) also have a low salinity of about 17 % . Inland seas and lakes , with no river flowing out of them , have , over the ages , collected all the salt brought to them by the in – flowing rivers and may be very salt . The Dead Sea has a salinity of about 250 % The Red Sea , almost shut off from the ocean , with no great rivers flowing into it , and with low rainfall and rapid evapo ration from the heat , has a salinity of over 400. The Mediterranean , also nearly enclosed by land , has a salinity of about 37
What is difference between an ocean and sea
The salt dissolved in the oceans is largely ( about 75 % ) the salt we eat with our food , sodium chloride . The remaining 25% are the salts of other mineral
If you don’t already know where they are , find the great oceans in your atlas : the Pacific , the Atlantic , the Indian , the Arctic and the Southern Ocean . The beds of these oceans are sometimes classified into four parts : the Continental Shelf , the Continental Slope , the Ocean Floor or Deep Sea Plain , and the Deeps . The Continental Shelf is where the water around the continents is shallow, not more than f about 100 fathoms or 183 meters. – Where the land is lowland , the conti nental shelf beyond it may stretch for 1500 kilometers or more , sloping down very gradually . Where the land is mountainous , the Continental Shelf may be narrow with a quick drop to deep water meter
What is deep difference between an ocean and sea
The Deeps are steep – sided valleys in the deep sea plain , and lie mostly around the edges of the continents and generally where there are active volcano and earthquakes . The deepest trench or valley yet measured is in the Pacific , east of Mindanao in the Phili ppine Islands , where a depth of nearly 12,000 meters has been recorded – a good deal deeper below sea level than Mount Everest rises above it t
Islands like Sri Lanka , rising fro
the continental shelf , are known , as explained , as continental islands ; those rising from the deep sea are called oceanic islands . Some islands are volcanic or coral islands .
What is difference between an ocean and sea
The oceans are a reservoir of heat , and their surface temperature is usually a few degrees higher than that of the air above , gh their temperature decreases with depth . As ice is lighter than water it floats on the water. If it were heavier the colder seas might freeze from the bottom upwards, and the ice never melt, or melt very slowly. 1 We can tell from fossil remains that 5 there have been times when there was f more land and less water than today,) and in these times it was very cold they were ice ages. If the area of the e oceans was to become less , the climate suitable for man would change , so for us it is a good thing that so much of . the earth’s surface is water. Man has e yet to learn to farm the seas efficiently , especially the continental shelves where plankton ( from the Greek mean sing ‘ wandering ‘ ) , tiny floating and drifting forms of plant and animal life , abounds and is the food for most – of the fish which man catches .
The seas and oceans are in constant . movement. The sun and moon attract their waters by gravity to cause the tides their waters are evaporated to form clouds and rain , and added to by rain and rivers ; at times some of their waters is turned into ice ; Volcanic eruptions may cause great waves to travel hundreds of miles ; differences of temperature cause convection currents as in the atmos phere ; differences of salinity cause a movement of less salt water into the Mediterranean at the surface and more salt water out to the Atlantic through the Strait of Gib raltar , and through other straits where there are big differences between the salinity of the seas on either side of the strait. The most important move ments of the seas are caused by the winds. These not only cause the waves that you can see on any tank or lake when it blows hard , but also cause currents in the ocean . Like the winds ( , the ocean currents , between the equatorial and temperate regions , are deflected by the earth’s rotation , the Kuro Siwo and the Gulf Stream flowing clockwise, while similar currents in the southern oceans flow anti-clockwise. You will remember how important these currents are in their effect on the climate of the lands into which winds from them blow. m he s.s . %What is difference between an ocean and sea